Privacy Policy


This statement is to inform you of Endee’s policy on the privacy of its users and customers’ information on this website. The information that Endee’s collects on this website is solely for our company and its internal use and not by any means for any sale or use by other persons or third parties except with the credit card companies that we partner with (if applicable).

As it stands, to this end, Endee’s has no agreement with any credit card company (s)

Protection of our user’s personal information is of paramount importance for us and we make every reasonable effort to protect personal information. However, we cannot completely guarantee the security of any Personal Data we may have collected from or about you. We are also unable to completely guarantee that no harmful code such as viruses or spyware will enter our website. In the use of websites there are risks that one should be mindful of. Please be aware of the risks associated with using websites.
This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this Web site.




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